So, the 2010 World Cup finalists are in the top spots with the champions holding their first place, following the finalists, later comes Germany which is not much of a surprise for most due to the fact that Germany is a strong team. What is surprising and may be shocking for some is Brazil! 7th place! Once known to be one of the top five is now in the top ten and for some it's not pretty. Is Brazil no longer a strong team? Is the coaching not that great? what's going on? For Brazil fans, this must come as a surprise but remember my dear fans, it's not permanent yet, there's still room for change. Anything could happen, and trust me it will, after all, what may seem impossible for some, could end up being possible. Just ask Spain, who knew that they would win Netherlands, a strong team as well. Many didn't believe Spain could, but look they did! So, in a game where anything is possible, you just have to ask, will Ecuador ever make top ten? hmmm, my guess is not yet but there's still time. So to all my soccer fans out there, don't despair despite all of these football and hockey news, there is still some exciting soccer news hidden underneath it all, just waiting to be exposed. Afterall, soccer fever will always be among us, and I bet I could surely say that the fans will insure that it never dies! because when you hear that Portugal is 5th and Brazil is in 7th, you have to dare ask, what in the world's going on?
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